Several strategies can help men who worry they have thin penises. Tips and suggestions include:
- considering that their sexual partners may not care about penis size
- knowing that penis thickness anxiety does not necessarily mean a person has a thin penis
- focusing on other ways to please a partner, such as clitoral or penis stimulation
- prioritizing oral sex
- considering anal sex
- experimenting with sex toys in foreplay and sex
- practicing open communication with sex partners
- sharing concerns about penis size with a partner, who may offer assurances
- experimenting with different sex positions, such as entering a partner from behind
- using furniture, pillows, or other props to try different ways of entering a partner
- trying positions that keep a partner’s legs together, such as entering them from the side or behind, which makes it feel like the penis is thicker.
Enlargement techniques
A person may wish to try exercises to stretch the penis. However, these techniques normally focus on length rather than girth.
While these methods are generally inexpensive and low-risk, the Urology Care Foundation suggest they are generally ineffective.
Learn more about penis stretching.
There are medical procedures available that may help enlarge the penisTrusted Source. For example, a doctor may inject fat into the penis, or apply biodegradable frames that can temporarily increase penis size.
A 2012 study suggests fat injections could increase penis thickness by around 2 cm.
However, the American Urological Association do not recommend penis enlargement procedures, due to the lack of scientific evidence in their effectiveness and safety.
Penile surgery also carries risks. Augmentation procedures could cause erectile dysfunction or damage to the penis.
Penis size anxiety is common. However, most people who have concerns about their penis shape or size usually fall within normal ranges.
In many cases, a person’s partner may not care about their size. Anxiety, not size, may be the main problem in these situations.
Open communication, support from a sex therapist, and a willingness to experiment can all make sex more pleasurable, regardless of either partner’s size or shape.
There is limited evidence to suggest that enlargement methods are effective, and many come with serious risksTrusted Source. Anyone who has concerns about the appearance or function of their penis should speak to a doctor.