Risks of trying to increase size

Risks of trying to increase size

The penis enlargement or male enhancement industry claims that enlargement procedures, vacuum devices, pills, and creams increase penis size.However, there is limited research for many of these methods, and they may come with serious risks.The majority of people seeking penis enlargement have average-sized penises, meaning that they are of adequate size for sexual activity and urination.The Urology Care Foundation only recommends penis enhancement surgery for people with a rare condition called micropenis where a penis is two or more standard deviations below the average size.The American Urological Association states that there is not enough high-quality evidence to support the safety or efficacy of penile augmentation surgery.Potential risks of trying to increase penis size include:

  • swelling, infection, or scarring after surgerydamage due to overusing a vacuum pump or stretching devicescontact dermatitis that topical products may triggerallergic reactions to ingredients in pillserectile dysfunction