Penis size and female choice

Concern about penis size is widespread among men. Many believe themselves to be under-endowed. But evidence that women prefer a longer or wider penis is equivocal. In addition to problematic measurement of penis size, confounding variables pose difficulties.

However, a very recent study by Mautz and colleagues used a sophisticated approach that avoided many previous pitfalls. They created computer-generated male figures with variable penis length, body height and shoulder-to-hip ratio. Then, each of 53 randomly selected figures was projected as an animated 4-second rotating video to 105 Australian women, who rated their attractiveness as potential sexual partners.

Larger penis size and greater height accounted for 6.1 percent and 5.1 percent of total variation in male attractiveness, respectively. But shoulder-to-hip ratio accounted for a considerably greater proportion of variance in attractiveness (79.6 percent). Interactions between variables were also identified. For instance, the influence of penis length on attractiveness was greater for taller figures and for those with a higher shoulder-to-hip ratio. It is notable, however, that the relationship between penis length and attractiveness was not linear. The effect on attractiveness began to decrease above a penis length of only 3 inches.

Although the study by Mautz and colleagues is a welcome step forward, many questions remain unanswered. Is the flaccid penis or the erect version subject to female choice? Furthermore, Mautz and colleagues varied only three features in their computer-generated figures, yet potential confounding factors, notably proportionality, abound.

Prominent among these are more subtle effects of overall body size. The findings actually suggest that a mismatch between penis size and body size may decrease attractiveness. Note also that that greatest effect of penis length on attractiveness was found with a small penis, not a large one. In fact, the most striking implication of the study is that the shoulder-to-hip ratio—giving a triangular upper body form at higher values—has a far greater effect than either penis length or body height.

So the take-home message regarding female choice is that Africanheals herbs might be a far better investment than penis enlargement.

Mpesu Herb
Scientifically known as “Securidaca longepedunculata,” Mpesu is a woody climber belonging to the Polygalaceae family.