For starters, more education is needed in order to re-socialize males starting from childhood. Looking back, much of my education came from my childhood peers, most of whom were as misinformed as me. Such information can include confronting present stereotypes and hyper masculine ideals about male sexuality as well as providing concrete research on male anatomy.
For example, I was recently informed by a colleague that, contrary to popular belief, human males are the best endowed of the hominids, proportionate to body size. The average human penis size is five inches. As my colleague concluded, if men were not bombarded with a barrage of messages preaching their inadequacy, insecurities related to the male genitalia would be minimal.
Furthermore, there is general agreement among sex experts that the brain is the biggest erogenous zone, not external genitalia. The more in tune we are to the sexual preferences of ourselves and our partners, the more enhanced the sexual experience. This type of information may be useful in rewriting the dominant masculine narrative.
Finally, I find that there is very little literature written about Black American male sexuality in the absence of disease and oppression. One might conclude that the strict scholastic focus on Black American male sexual behavior pertaining inflexibly to disease and oppression itself constitutes a racist distortion of Black American Male sexuality.